It’s true! We are now offering Wiley Treatment Planners at an additional price each month.
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Wiley to offer our clients the option of utilizing their prestigious Treatment Planners for an additional $20 per month per clinician. Did you know practices that use Wiley Planners not only save time, but are able to increase income by seeing more clients with that extra time? Recoup the monthly cost of Wiley Planners in less than one session. These Treatment Planners in the Wiley PracticePlanner series provide all the necessary elements to quickly and easily develop formal plans that meet your practice’s unique needs.
You can expect Wiley Treatment Planners to:
- Offer you the freedom of developing customizable treatment plans
- Provide you with over 1,000 clear statements to describe behavioral manifestations of each relational problem and include long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically-tested treatment options
- Provide evidence-based Objectives and Interventions, and many suggested homework assignments integrated into each intervention
- Have an easy-to-navigate format that helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem
- Include DSM-5 diagnostic suggestions and ICD-10-CM codes for each behaviorally-based presenting problem
- And so much more!
The Wiley Treatment Planners break down each interaction step-by-step for the utmost efficiency. The steps are as follows:
- Step One: Problem Section
- Example: Anxiety
- Step Two: Problem Definition
- Example: Motor tension
- Step Three: Goal Development
- Example: Learn and implement coping skills that result in a reduction of anxiety and worry
- Step Four: Objective Construction
- Example: Identify and list constructive ways to utilize energy
- Step Five: Intervention Creation
- Example: Give a homework assignment where the client lists the positive and negative aspects of his/her energy levels
- Step Six: Diagnosis Determination
- Example: Unspecified Attention-Deficit Disorder
Take a look at the tutorial below:
Each step gets more and more detailed to guide you in establishing a credible diagnosis. For just $20 extra per month per clinician, you’ll have full access to all of Wiley’s Treatment Planners, Progress Note Planners and Homework Planners. Consider this our gift to you!
For more information about CounSol.com and what we do, contact us today or start a free trial! We’d be happy to help you transition to our practice management software!